Uploading documents to the document library (Admins only)

Youlgrave Website Document Library

As part of the modernisation of the Youlgrave site and specifically in relation to the Bugle archive, I have utilised the document library plugin Document Library Pro. This creates an easy-to-use interface allowing for the uploading of documents and the categorisation of those documents. In turn, this creates a user-friendly front-end interface allowing visitors to locate and view/download the issues they are interested in.

The video below demonstrates the process of uploading a document. Written instructions follow.

If you require any assistance or have any questions then you can contact me at jack.aston@sbat.co.uk 

Uploading a document

To upload a new document, you need to access the admin control panel at the admin URL, using your email/username and password. Once in the admin panel you will find a menu item on the left-hand menu entitled ‘Documents’. Hovering over this item will show a list of options including ‘Add New’. Clicking Add New will take you to the Add New Document screen. You should then follow the process below to add a new issue.

  1. Enter a document title. Normally this will simply be ‘The Bugle’.
  2. Enter the issue number, e.g., 242.
  3. Select the month of the issue. Note here that you can select more than one month for double issues.
  4. Select the relevant year(s).
  5. Now, moving to the right-hand side of the screen, categorise the document. This will normally be according to the year(s).
  6. Under the heading ‘Document Link’ select ‘File Upload’ and click ‘Add File’. You will be directed to the standard WordPress media screen.
  7. In the media screen select ‘Upload Files’ and navigate to the location of your file, select it and upload it before clicking ‘Add File’.
  8. Finally click Publish to publish that document.
