Youlgrave Parish Council Notices


Parish residents traffic survey


This consultation closed on 15th January 2018 – click on link for  survey results

GRIT Bins and refills

Youlgrave Parish Council currently provides 19 bins plus 2 filled by Platform Housing and the remainder by Derbyshire County Council.
The grit provided is for use to clear public pavements and roads only. It is not for use on private property.
If you are caught taking grit or salt for use on private property, such as driveways, you may be prosecuted.

Most bins have been labelled by Derbyshire County Council as a central point of contact and they will inform the respective bodies if you contact them – if you know it’s one of the Parish bins then you are welcome to let the clerk or a councillor know direct. A map follows to show who is responsible for which:

Map of Grit bin locations and responsibilities


A map of Youlgrave with grit bin location marked on.

Audited Accounts

Annual Governance Statement, Accounts, variances and Internal Audit: DE0246ypcGovnAIaccountsVar2024
Notification of Inspection Period: YPC_exercise_of_public_rights_2024

Annual Governance Statement, Accounts, variances and Internal Audit: DE0246ypcGovIAaccounts2023
Notification of Inspection Period: YPC_exercise_of_public_rights_2023

2022 Conclusion of Audit: DE0246 S3 External audit 2022
Annual Governance Statement, Accounts, variances and Internal Audit: DE0246ypcGovIAaccounts2022
Notification of Inspection Period: YPC_exercise_of_public_rights_2021-22

2021 Conclusion of Audit: ypc Conclusion of Audit 2021
External audit report: DE0246 S3 External audit 2021
Annual Governance Statement, Accounts, variances and Internal Audit: DE0246ypcAGAR 2021accounts+internal audit
Notification of Inspection Period: YPC_exercise_of_public_rights_2020-21

2020 Conclusion of Audit: DE0246 S3 external report 2020
Annual Governance Statement Accounts, internal audit and variances : DE0246YPC AGAR
Notification of Inspection Period: YPC_exercise_of_public_rights_2019-20

2019 Conclusion of Audit: DE0246 S3 External audit 2019
Annual Governance Statement Accounts, internal audit and variances : ypcgovernanceaccounts2019
Notification of Inspection Period: YPC_exercise_of_public_rights_2018-19

2018 Conclusion of Audit ypcauditconclusion2018
Annual Governance Statement Accounts, internal audit and variances :ypcgovernanceaudit2018
Notification of Inspection Period: YPC_exercise_of_public_rights_2017-18

2017 Conclusion of Audit ypcnoticeofconclusion2017
External audit ypcexternalauditreport2017 Notification of Inspection Period ypinspectionrights2017   Annual Governance Statement and Accounts ypaccountsgovernance2017  Unaudited  accounts declaration ypunpublisheddec2017

2016 Conclusion of Audit ypc-conclusion-audit-2016
2016 External audit report ypc-external-audit-2016
Annual Governance Statement and Accounts  ypcgovaccts016  Unaudited  accounts declaration ypcactstatus016 2016 Notification of Inspection Period ypcpubrights016

2015 End of Year Accounts, Annual Governance Statement, Internal Audit report, ypcaudit015    Variance report ypcvar1415
Completion report ypcextaudit015
For expenditure over £100 > see minutes

Councillors and Committees Responsibilities

YPC Parish Council Information Guide

Rules of Council

ypc model-financial-regulations-england-july-2019

YPC Parish Council Code of Conduct 2012

YPC Complaints Procedure 17
YPC Equality Policy

General Data Protection Register
YPC Data protection policy (GDPR compliant) May 18
YPC Record Retention Policy
YPC Data retention records

Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

The Fields in Trust Multi-use Games Area award

Youlgrave Parish Council – Received £25,000 through the SITA QEII Fields Fund and featured as a ‘success story’ in their annual report.

It was a godsend when the news about this fund dropped into my lap. We’d been trying hard before to get funding to improve Alport Playing Fields, with no luck. Becoming a QEII Field meant we could apply to this SITA Trust fund. The whole application process was really straightforward and we were able to get works underway quickly.

Clerk of Youlgrave
Parish Council