Council comprises 10 elected councillors who employ a part-time CiLCA qualified Parish Clerk as their Proper Officer. Councillors are elected to serve for a four year term.
Council meets at least ten times a year – there being no meeting in December and only in August if there is essential business. Meetings are held in the Community Room of the Village Hall on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday evening in February, March, April, June, July, September, October and November. The May meeting is held on the third Tuesday. The January meeting is held on the 3rd or 4th Tuesday in the Reading Room as the pantomime rehearsals are taking place in the Village Hall. Meetings commence at 7.15pm
The Parish Council has one formal sub-committee – Finance and Personnel and an overseeing responsibility for the Well Dressing and Carnival committees with elected members allocated to serve on each annually. It also has members allocated to each of the Halls, CLT and Youlgrave Waterworks in order to keep informed of and provide assistance in community matters.
The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Parish Council are elected by councillors every May. The Chair hosts the Annual Parish meeting each April giving a report on the previous year and opening the floor to debate on any matter raised by a parishioner.
The current Chair is Graham Elliott and Vice Chair Andrew McCloy
The Precept – the local tax on parishioners – is set at the November meeting for the following year. Requests for donations made by local community groups are also considered at that meeting.
The Parish Council also receives income from its Parish Council-run allotments and Coldwell End Car Park Honesty Box.

A small grant from DDDC towards mowing, rents from user groups of the Alport Lane Playing Fields and rents for use of the Sports Pavilion. The Council manages the Queen Elizabeth II Field Alport Lane Playing Fields on behalf of Fields in Trust (formerly National Playing Fields Association). It received a SITA Grant to install a Multi-use Games Area at Alport Lane. With assistance from Awards for All provision for adults in the village with a Fitness Trail was acheived and Council now starts the process of finding funds to rebuild our aged pavilion.

The Council is also is responsible for other village assets, most notably the Conduit Head or ‘Fountain’ in Fountain Square and 19 benches throughout the parish, and provides an annual grant to the Parochial Church Council for maintenance of Youlgrave Churchyard and cemetery. It has taken over the Holywell Lane Toilet Block from the District Council to save it from closure and refurbished it. At its Coldwell End Car Park a new toilet block was built in 2019 thanks to the generosity of Honesty Box car park donations accumulated and an Awards for All grant which included Youlgrave’s first public Disabled loo with dedicated parking. The 2022 play area at Coldwell End with segregated path adds much needed additional parking spaces on the back field in summer. Traffic and parking are ongoing issues with liaison with the National Park and County Highways to make changes following the traffic survey.
Thanks to overwhelming local support the Council is proud to announce that the parish is equipped with FIVE defibrillator units located at Youlgrave Garage, Alport Kiosk, 17 Mawstone Lane (adjacent to the Limestone Way and Bradford Dale), the Farmyard Inn and Holywell Lane Toilet Block (opposite the Village Hall).

Contact Details
For all communications and correspondence with the Parish Council please contact the Youlgrave Parish Council Clerk:
Matthew Lovell
Youlgrave Parish Council
Christmas Cottage
Church Street
DE45 1WL
Tel: 01629 636151
To email the Youlgrave Parish Council Clerk please click here
Parish Councillors
The Current Council from May 2023 comprises:
Michael Ashforth – 2 Birley House, Brookleton, Youlgrave DE45 1UT 636343
Ann Blenkinsopp – Middle Cottage, Riverside Cottages Youlgrave DE45 1WG
Ken Clayton – THe Old Bakery, Church Street Youlgrave DE45 1WL
Graham Elliott – Sunnyside, Conksbury Avenue, Youlgrave DE45 1WQ 636318
Dee Frith – 4 Moor Lane Youlgrave DE45 1US
Leah Goodwin – Aingarth, Coldwell End, Youlgrave DE45 1WB 630346
Sue Hallam – Glenhurst, Conksbury Lane, Youlgrave DE45 1WR 636802
Nicola Humphreys – Over Haddon View, Conksbury Avenue, Youlgrave DE45 1WQ 636877
Andrew McCloy – Englemere, Brookleton Youlgrave DE45 1UT 636125
Richard Roper – 3 Laburnum Cottages Main Street Youlgrave DE45 1UW 636114